Wednesday, January 6, 2010

JOGI: A look back

Wow, it sure has been a wild ride on Junk of Great Importance. I just thought, "what a great opportunity to reflect on all that's happened since I started this blog!"

Remember when I made the joke about eHarmony? That sure was fun (and funny! (and original!))! Or that time I posted a Lambchop and John Cage video? Gee whiz, I'm getting all teary eyed and nostalgic just thinking about it. Two days ago was such a simpler time. We were all so naive back then. Who would have thought that in just two short posts, we here at JOGI would go from one to four readers? And hey, that's more readers than Viva Laughlin had viewers! But seriously, that show never got the chance to reach it's potential. And me? I've peaked! It's all downhill from here folks!

Anyway, thanks for reading. Season 2 of Junk of Great Importance will begin soon, so keep reading!


  1. Oh writer of this blog entry, you are too much!

  2. Hey, Dave, remember when you did that flashback post? It may have been this blog's third best post of all time!

  3. @Eric Sieck (cause there's so many people to reply to), Thanks for the input!
